Elasticsearch Snapshot & Restore 101

Elasticsearch Snapshot & Restore 101

Local, S3 Bucket and NFS Drive


5 min read

ElasticSearch or even Elastic as a whole, has a great detail documentation on performing a snapshot and restoring the backup. However in order to a simple snapshot; especially for the beginner it may be overwhelming.

In the below steps, I aim to achieve a simple snapshot and restore from Local directory.


  • Define the index, and populate data in the index
  • Create Repository
  • Define Snapshot Policy
  • Run the snapshot
  • Query Snapshots using DevTools
  • Restoring the Snapshot

Define the index, and populate data in the index

Ensure the Elasticsearch and Kibana is started. All the below commands are ran under DevTools of Kibana you can route using below URL:


Lets run the below command in to create a index:

PUT /elastic_snapshot_demo

Lets also add some data,

POST /_bulk
{ "index" : { "_index" : "elastic_snapshot_demo"}}
{  "message": "Some data added to the list",  "user": {    "id": "Smit"  }}
{ "index" : { "_index" : "elastic_snapshot_demo"}}
{  "message": "Some data 2 added to the list",  "user": {    "id": "Steven"  }}
{ "index" : { "_index" : "elastic_snapshot_demo"}}
{  "message": "Some data 3 added to the list",  "user": {    "id": "Lia"  }}

Once the data is added, we can search the index to validate:

GET /elastic_snapshot_demo/_search

It will be return all the data that we just added.

Create Repository

For more detail information about the repository, you may read more here

Before we could run a repository creation command, we need to append the path.repo in the elasticsearch.yml

    - /Users/Smit/Documents/Dev/ELK/elasticsearch-7.8.0/mount/backups

Here the path needs to be your local machine. For me it is under Documents > Dev > ELK > elasticsearch-7.8.0 I have created a folder mount and backups under mount

Before you restart the elasticsearch, ensure the folder mount and backups both has correct permissions for elasticsearch to write to the folder.

For Unix, you can use the below command to provide required permissions

chmod o+rx /Users/Smit/Documents/Dev/ELK/elasticsearch-7.8.0/mount

Once this setup, lets start the elasticsearch and run the following command in the devTools in Kibana to register the Snapshot registry:

PUT /_snapshot/elastic_snapshot_demo_fs_backup
  "type": "fs",
  "settings": {
    "location": "/Users/Smit/Documents/Dev/ELK/elasticsearch-7.8.0/mount/backups/elastic_snapshot_demo_fs_backup",
    "compress": true

Here the name elastic_snapshot_demo_fs_backup can be customised, based on the requirements.

After running, the response should look similar to below:

  "acknowledged" : true

In order to also check if it was successful, you can go below URL to check if the Repository is registered successfully:


Screen Shot 41.png

Define Snapshot Policy

Lets add the policy, for that lets navigate to


Lets add the following values:

Policy name: daily-elastic_snapshot_demo-snapshot

Snapshot name: <daily-snap-{now/d}>

Repository: elastic_snapshot_demo_fs_backup

Schedule: 0 0 0 ?

For the Policy Name, it needs to be unique, and best to have it in-line with the index that you are planning on backing up.

For Snapshot Name, please note of the angular brackets < >, those are required if you are planning on adding expression

For Repository, select the repository we created in the previous step.

For the schedule, Please note it is UTC time. So In the above express, it states it will run this policy every 12th hour in the morning i.e. 00:00

Screen Shot.png

Once all the values are created, lets go Next

For the Indices section, un-toggle and unselect all the indices (if you have any)

Screen Shot.png

Once done, select just the index you wish to snapshot:

Screen Shot.png

Once done, rest leave it as default and move on to the next stage.

For the Snapshot retention, leave it as default as well, move on to the review stage:

Screen Shot 42.png

Once all values are correctly verified, lets click create policy, once completed it should be show similar to the below screenshot:

Screen Shot 43.png

Run the snapshot

As stated in the previous step, the policy will run every 24hr, but to test the policy you may run the policy ad-hoc as well.

In order to run ad-hoc, you can click on the play icon, as shown in the below:

Screen Shot 44.png

It will take sometime for the snapshot to be created, especially if it is running for the first time.

After a while you can view your backups folder, you will see the snapshot folder is created:

Screen Shot 45.png

That's all, you have finally created your very first snapshot of an index.

Query Snapshots using DevTools

Run the below command, to see all the snapshots you have

GET /_snapshot/_all

Restoring the Snapshot

For restore, we need to delete the index first to simulate the restore

DELETE /elastic_snapshot_demo

Once deleted, you can run the search command again, and it should return 404

GET /elastic_snapshot_demo/_search

Restoring can also be done using two methods, first is using the devTools, and another is using the Kibana Restore view

Using the Kibana DevTools

Run the following command

POST /_snapshot/elastic_snapshot_demo_fs_backup/daily-snap-2021.04.17-bkpbzxtjrfoywdu_bmqkkg/_restore

In the command there are few things you may have update

first is elastic_snapshot_demo_fs_backup is the name of the repository we created earlier,

secondly daily-snap-2021.04.17-bkpbzxtjrfoywdu_bmqkkg is the name created when the snapshot was created.

If this is hard to replicate, you can simply use the second method.

Using the Kibana Snapshot and Restore section

Select the restore icon for the snapshot that you would like to restore:

Screen Shot 46.png

Once selected, it will prompt for few actions, simply select next, next and Restore Snapshot

Thats all needed to restore.

You can now run the command to query the same index, and see if the data is correctly restored:

GET /elastic_snapshot_demo/_search

The result of the above command to return three set of data under hits.

Thank you for reading, if you have any suggestions or improvements feel free to reach out to me.

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Part 2: shahsmit.hashnode.dev/elasticsearch-snapsho..

Part 3: shahsmit.hashnode.dev/migrating-from-older-..

PS: Next series of articles will include, Snapshotting at S3, migrating to a newer version of elasticsearch etc.